About the Journal

Printer & Publisher
CMA Ashwin G. Dalwadi
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
12 Sudder Street, Kolkata 700016

Editor - CMA Dr Debaprosanna Nandy
ISSN - 22309241
Frequency : Quarterly

Description: The Institute started publication of the "Research Bulle­tin" since 1982. It has now been included in the Inter­national Serial Directories [ISSN 2230 9241]. It includes both theme based and non theme based articles on the blazing issues. Inputs are mainly received both from academicians and the corporate stalwarts. Our aim is to highlight the dynamism in environmental, social, eco­nomical and market-related issues so that the researcher can analyze the surroundings, adapt the changes in a better manner and can take decisions strategically. The objective of this bulletin is to share innovative achievements and practical experiences from diverse domains of management, from researchers, practitioners, academicians and professionals. This bulletin is dedicated to publish high quality research papers providing meaningful insights into the management content both in Indian as well as global context. Read More

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Current Issue

Volume 49, Issue 4, January 2024
Published: 2024-07-03

Chairman Communique

Editoral Note


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