Impact of Financial Innovations on Business Strategy Formulation: A Qualitative Study


  • D. Mukhopadhyay



Financial Innovations, Sustainable Business Strategy, Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Open Banking, FinTech Literacy, Global Competition


This study delves into the profound impact of financial innovations on the formulation of sustainable business strategies in the contemporary global landscape. As financial technologies continue to advance, their influence on strategic decision-making processes becomes increasingly pronounced. The abstract explores how the integration of financial innovations, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and open banking, is reshaping traditional business paradigms. The research investigates the multifaceted implications of these innovations on sustainability considerations, emphasizing the need for businesses to adapt to the evolving financial ecosystem. It explores how the strategic alignment of financial innovations with sustainable practices can lead to enhanced operational efficiency, improved risk management, and heightened responsiveness to market dynamics. The study also highlights the evolving role of finance professionals, emphasizing the imperative for professionals like CPAs and CMAs to embrace FinTech literacy in order to drive sustainable business strategies. In an era characterized by intense global competition, the study concludes by emphasizing the strategic imperative for businesses to leverage financial innovations consciously, integrating them into the fabric of their sustainable business strategy formulation. As financial technologies redefine the contours of global commerce, understanding and harnessing their potential becomes paramount for businesses committed to long-term viability and success.


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How to Cite

Mukhopadhyay, D. (2024). Impact of Financial Innovations on Business Strategy Formulation: A Qualitative Study. Research Bulletin, 49(4), 78–101.





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