HR Disclosures by SBI and its Listed Associates


  • Niranjan Mahendranath Shastri Indore
  • Antimbala Niranjan Shastri Govt. Maharani Laxmi Bai Girls P.G. College, Indore



The analysis shows that SBI can be ranked top in HR disclosure practices whereas SBT can be ranked poorest. It was also observed that there are diversities in disclosure practices within the group banks of SBI and its associates. Human resource is very important part of any kind of organization. Knowledge, skills, attitude and talent of manpower applied in manufacturing of goods of providing of services are seen as Human Resources (HR) through a birds' eye view. Recording, classifying, summarizing and reporting HR information is called HR Accounting (HRA). It is essential to account for the human resources to ensure growth and development of any organization (Kesavan&Dyana, 2013).


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How to Cite

Shastri, N. M., & Shastri, A. N. (2014). HR Disclosures by SBI and its Listed Associates. The Management Accountant Journal, 49(12), 38–41.



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