Employee Engagement Analytics: Enhancing the Firm Value


  • Niranjan Mahendranath Shastri NMIMS, Indore, Madhya Pradesh
  • Niranjan Rajpurohit NMIMS, Indore, Madhya Pradesh




Firms need valuation for different reasons. Firm value is an important measure of its overall performance and firms strive to maximize value for their shareholders. Among the several factors affecting firm value; employee engagement is a significant factor. Through an intensive review of relevant literature, this paper attempts to establish that employee engagement has a significant positive impact on firm value. This paper also suggests that Real Time Employee Engagement Analytics by using Artificial Intelligence and other tools is having a huge potential to develop as a focus area for firm value enhancement.


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How to Cite

Shastri, N. M., & Rajpurohit, N. (2017). Employee Engagement Analytics: Enhancing the Firm Value. The Management Accountant Journal, 52(11), 31–35. https://doi.org/10.33516/maj.v52i11.31-35p



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