Research Publications

Research Publication

A research is a systematic investigation establishing facts or principles or to collect information on a specific subject. The Research and experimental development comprises creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the knowledge, such as knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and new applications are devised with the application of this knowledge. Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandings. This could synthesize and analyze previous research activities to the extent that it leads to new and creative outcomes.

Research is fundamental to the economic growth of a nation. New knowledge and creative works change the world, shape the future and provides a sustainable growth of a nation. The research should be conceived as broadly as possible and so consideration should also be given to the outcomes of, and audiences for, the research. The research framework drives up quality across the higher education research base and in all forms of research publications and activities. It also supports and encourages innovative and curiosity-driven research, including new approaches, new fields and interdisciplinary work. With the use of various research methodologies, creative output can be produced, and play an integral part in the research world.

For making any decisions, the research methodology is used to collect information and data which includes research publication, interviews, surveys and other research techniques, and also may include both present and historical information.

Research Publication includes Empirical research which by quantifying the evidence or making sense of it in qualitative form, a researcher can answer empirical questions, which should be clearly defined and answerable with the evidence collected in data form. Empirical evidence, data, or knowledge, also known as sense experience, is a collective term used for the knowledge or source of knowledge acquired by means of the senses, particularly by observation and experimentation exclusively required for research publications.

The research questions, issues or problems, regarding publications approaches to the research work undertaken thoroughly. Outputs of the work may vary considerably, embracing basic, strategic and applied research activities. The research questions, issues, problems, methods and approaches may range from intellectual questions that require critical, historical or theoretical investigation, to practical issues or problems that require other approaches such as testing, prototyping, experimental development and evaluation. The outputs of the research include monographs, editions or articles, electronic data, or exhibitions and seminars. Teaching materials may also be an appropriate outcome from a research project.

A monograph is a detailed work on a specific subject and basically a standalone document. A monograph is usually written to record new findings on a subject brought about by painstaking research. The main purpose of a monograph is to present primary research and this research is presented at length, distinguishing a monograph from an article. For these reasons, publication of a monograph is commonly regarded as vital for career progression in many academic disciplines specifically in research publications. Working paper, a preliminary scientific or technical paper also plays a vital role in this regard which is intended as a means to promote research to interested readers. Continue