Is Artificial Intelligence (Ai) In Banking A Boom or a Passing FAD?
No keywords.Abstract
The evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in banking sector has transmuted drastically, guiding banks to prolific growth. Indian banking sector is also shifting its gears towards using AI. Using chat-box, robotic technology, personal financial services to provide information and steering customers to get their enquiries is one of its highlighting attributes. Although, most operations require human involvement in banking, AI, somewhat, cartels this manpower-led sector to minimize cost and expenses on redundant tasks. This article dwells on to explore, whether, AI is a boom or passing fad in banking industry by using data gathered from secondary sources.
How to Cite
Geetha, A. (2021). A Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Banking and Financial Services. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Vol 9, Issue 9, September 2021, 110-114.
Suma, S.R., & Anupama, S. (2021). Artificial Intelligence and its applications in Indian Commercial Banks. MDIM Business Review, Vol II, Issue II, December 2021, 50-58.
Ghandour, Ahmad. (2021). Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Banking: Systematic Literature Review. TEM Journal, Vol 10, Issue 4, November 2021, 1581-1587. DOI: 10.18421/TEM104-12
Shetty, K.S., Spulbar, C., Birau, R., & Filip, R.D. (2022). Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Banking Sector with Reference to Private Banks in India. Physics AUC, Vol 32, 59-75. 2022/ai-adoption-in-indian-financialservices- and-related-challenges.pdf how-is-ai-changing-the-banking-industry/ capgemini-research-ai-in-customer-experiencefor- financial-services/#:~:text=Just%20 over%20half%20of%20customers,the%20 COVID%2D19%20crisis%20prolongs.
Books and Reports
i. Annual Report of PWC, 2022
ii. Annual Reports of Capgemini, 2022