The Study of the Determinants Affecting the Performance of Mutual Funds in Indiaequity Mutual Fund


  • Preeta Sinha Asst. Professor, Army Institute of Management, Kolkata
  • Tamal Taru Roy Associate Professor, Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata
  • Debi Prasad Lahiri Associate Professor, Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata



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The Indian financial sector has gone through a radical change in the last two decades. The plethora of investment avenues available in the financial market is not only attracting the retail and domestic investors but also foreign investors. Today we have a more matured market with Mutual Funds and SIPs being the order of the day.The AUM has grown from Rs.5.45 trillion as on 31st August 2008 to Rs.25.20 trillion as on 31st August 2018 i.e., more than fourfold increase in a span of about 10 years. About 40 lakhs new investor’s accounts are added during April to July of 2017-2018 fiscal. The rise in assets is mainly due to an increase in retail inflows, especially in equity funds. The performance of the Mutual funds is not the same across all the asset class. The study is an attempt to determine the impact of factors affecting the Performance of the Fund and also to find the interrelation between the determinants to know their degree of influence on the performance indicator of the fund.


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How to Cite

Sinha, P., Roy, T. T., & Lahiri, D. P. (2019). The Study of the Determinants Affecting the Performance of Mutual Funds in Indiaequity Mutual Fund. The Management Accountant Journal, 54(5), 58–64.



Indian Financial Sector


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