Logistics Leverage and Evolution in Transportation Infrastructure-perpetual Augmentation of the Expansion of Indian Economy


  • Avik Ghosh Assistant General Manager Reserve Bank of India Kanpur
  • Ankit Magotra Assistant Manager Reserve Bank of India Kanpur




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The logistics sector is an essential component of an economy, having a bidirectional causal relationship with its growth potential. India’s GDP witnessed a significant five-fold growth in the last two decades, of which much can be attributed to the successful policy intervention, infrastructure improvement and perpetual capital formation. This study performs a representative sectoral time-series analysis, establishing the sustainable expansion trajectory of the logistic infrastructure in India. A move towards green and sustainable world-class infrastructure enabled by policy initiatives and increased budget outlays has further strengthened the logistic and transportation sector’s role as a positive transmission channel to economic growth and inclusive development.


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How to Cite

Ghosh, A., & Magotra, A. (2024). Logistics Leverage and Evolution in Transportation Infrastructure-perpetual Augmentation of the Expansion of Indian Economy. The Management Accountant Journal, 59(9), 27–30. https://doi.org/10.33516/maj.v59i9.27-30p



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