India's Tea Trade in the Post Globalisation Arena: An Analysis


  • Mriganka Chakraborty Assistant Professor Department of Commerce Tura Christian College, Tura
  • Mridul Barman Assistant Professor Department of Economics Tura Christian College, Tura
  • Amit Kundu Associate Professor Department of Management North-Eastern Hill University, Tura Campus, Tura



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The New Economic Policy was introduced by the Government of India in 1991 by incorporating the concepts of liberalisation, market orientation, privatisation and globalisation for the first time. India's tea business has suffered from the effects of globalization, increased competition from other beverages, and import risks. In the years following liberalization, the percentage of Indian tea exports has significantly decreased. In this context, it is pertinent to throw some insights into a few concepts relating to tea industry due to liberalisation and the present study provides an insight into production and export scenario of Indian tea industry in post globalisation period.


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How to Cite

Chakraborty, M., Barman, M., & Kundu, A. (2024). India’s Tea Trade in the Post Globalisation Arena: An Analysis. The Management Accountant Journal, 59(7), 84–89.



Volatility-Tea Industry


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