Corporate Rebuilding Through Spin-Off: A Case Study


  • Samrat Banerjee Assistant Professor St. Xavier’s University Kolkata
  • CMA Debdas Rakshit Professor University of Burdwan Burdwan



As spin-off has emerged as an important mode of corporate rebuilding, it is necessary to evaluate the impact of spin-off on long-term sustainability and share price movement of demerged companies. In this context, we have considered the case of CG Power & Industrial Solutions Ltd. Event history methodology has been employed to evaluate the effect of spin-off on stock prices. An analysis based on raw ESG scores has been made to evaluate the immediate and sustainable effect of spin-off considering a time window of 1 year and 2 years pre and post spin-off. Findings reveal that though spin-off did not have a considerable impact on abnormal returns, it was executed specifically to increase the ESG scores of CG Power & Industrial Solutions Ltd.


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How to Cite

Banerjee, S., & Rakshit, C. D. (2023). Corporate Rebuilding Through Spin-Off: A Case Study. The Management Accountant Journal, 58(8), 94–98.





Rakshit. D and Banerjee. S (2022), TheImpactOfCorporateSpinoffson Share PriceMovement Empirical EvidenceFromIndia, The Management Accountant - October 2022, Vol 57 (10), Pp-83-87. ISSN No. 0972-3528

Sarkar. S (2022), Performance Evaluation of ESG Funds in India: A Study, The Management Accountant –March 2022, Vol 57 (3), Pp-40-47. ISSN No. 0972-3528

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Rakshit. D and Banerjee. S (2023), DoesSpinoffaffect Corporate Financial Performance, The Management Accountant –March 2023, Vol 58 (3), Pp-89-92. ISSN No. 0972-3528