Indian Start-Ups: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities


  • H. Thippeswami Department of Studies in Commerce, Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Jnana Sagara, Ballari
  • Kasumurthy Poojitha Department of Studies in Commerce, SGRCM Government College Commerce and Management, Ballari



Increasing competition is one among the various factors that has led to the rise of selfemployment consciousness among the young generation in India. Over the recent years start ups have become the flavor of season in Indian markets due to its tremendous population which provides large potentiality of job markets in India towards job creation and promoting entrepreneurship in India. For India’s transformation start ups, technology and innovations act as effective instruments. Interestingly, every year more than 800 technology start ups are being set up in India. By this 2020, it is estimated that around 11,500 tech-start ups are going to be established with employment potential of around 250,000 technical people (NASSCOM, 2015). India is becoming a start up nation with the emergence of number of home grown start ups across the country with business favorable environment. Today, India is amongst the top five countries in the world in terms of start ups. Start up India is such an ambitious initiative which is accelerating and revolutionizing start up movement in India. Self Employment and Talent Utilization Fund (SETU) scheme acts as a major accelerator towards promoting start ups in the country. However, as each coin has two sides, there are also various constraints faced by the start up businessmen in India along with ample of opportunities. This Paper aims to investigate the challenges and Opportunities in the way of start ups in India. This paper has an intent to explore the major issues or difficulties faced by startups in India, and discuss the various opportunities of start ups in India by using a literature-based analysis.


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How to Cite

Thippeswami, H., & Poojitha, K. (2020). Indian Start-Ups: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. The Management Accountant Journal, 55(11), 80–84.


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