Corporate Governance - Mapping and Imaging the Swot on Real Time a Bare Minimum in Assurance to Growth and Sustainability


  • Nantu Ranjan Pal Practicing Cost Accountant, Kolkata



A Corporate entity comes into being after passing stringent processes enshrined by the statutes must have quality nucleus in its core by the name of Corporate Governance for carrying out its business faiths through the competing world assuring perpetual growth and sustainability as was primarily framed in its constituent charter of 'Memorandum of Association' and 'Articles of Association'. There are administrative and professional authorities who provide guidelines standards principles and practices for compliance from time to time obviously for safe and secure journey through the turbulent dynamics of economic and corporate environment. Corporate Governance must act like veins and arteries and inculcate innovative efficient practices and accentuate the contemporary developments in and around the economy and its business sphere and ensure that superior creative brains get proper place in the organisation with adequate authority and accountability with a view to assuring sustainability and safe journey with growth. Serious aberrations in corporate governance in the form of caprice and unfair practices and lacking in innovation soon bring downfall whose numbers are growing. The Administration has introduced smart process under The Insolvency Bankruptcy Code and National Company Law Tribunal to sort out complex legal issues in connection with the failed corporate entities.


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How to Cite

Pal, N. R. (2019). Corporate Governance - Mapping and Imaging the Swot on Real Time a Bare Minimum in Assurance to Growth and Sustainability. The Management Accountant Journal, 54(2), 40–45.



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Wikipedia .

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India - website

Websites of Bhusan Steel and Monnet Ispat & Energy