Performance Measurement System for Start-Ups and Scale-Ups


  • Aishwarya Nair Browne & Mohan Consultants, Bangalore
  • T. R. Sai Vinoth Browne & Mohan Consultants, Bangalore



Running a startup or scaling up a business is akin to successfully landing or taking off an aircraft. Measurement systems help the company to know the course, correct direction and speed necessary to have a safe flight. A simple set of integrative financial and non-financial measures, both leading and lagging indicators are required for the board and executives to guide the company. In this paper we detail financial and non-financial measures that may be used by startups and scaling up companies.


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How to Cite

Nair, A., & Sai Vinoth, T. R. (2016). Performance Measurement System for Start-Ups and Scale-Ups. The Management Accountant Journal, 51(11), 41–48.



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