Agriculture, Industry and Education:Problems of Fusion and Confusion


  • P. Chattopadhyay Research ICAI-CMA, Kolkata



When results of efforts are visible and also rewarding, generation of greater interest in learning is automatic. Long-time neglect of these issues and undermining the rural operations as unsophisticated, have got to be substituted by a totally reoriented outlook towards education in general and rural education in particular. The education system in the rural areas must put greater stress on learning and exploiting local resources along with usual, formal education. It is not that all this would figure as an imposition on the young minds but that the new scheme should be made attractive enough to make school dropouts or others from the farmer families interested in not only reading from books but also from what goes on in the rural sector as a daily chore. Infusion of knowledge and expertise would create more interest in the daily operations in the fields, both as a process of learning and as a ground level experiment.


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How to Cite

Chattopadhyay, P. (2016). Agriculture, Industry and Education:Problems of Fusion and Confusion. The Management Accountant Journal, 51(2), 20–26.



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