A Deep Dive into the Intersectional Landscape of AI and Ambush Marketing


  • Puneet Chawla Assistant Professor Department of Commerce Institute of Information Technology & Management GGSIP University, New Delhi
  • Rakesh Chawla Research Scholar Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi




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Ambush marketing is a strategic approach where companies associate themselves with major events without official sponsorship. This paper explores various ambush marketing strategies, their impact on brand visibility and consumer perception. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), ambush marketing tactics have become more sophisticated, allowing for hyper-targeted campaigns, real-time adjustments, and enhanced engagement through predictive analytics and behavioral insights. AI technologies empower brands to optimize these campaigns, effectively positioning themselves alongside major events while circumventing sponsorship fees. This paper seeks to understand the intersection of ambush marketing and AI, highlighting current trends, potential risks, and the future landscape of advertising in an AI-driven world.


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How to Cite

Chawla, P., & Chawla, R. (2025). A Deep Dive into the Intersectional Landscape of AI and Ambush Marketing. The Management Accountant Journal, 59(12), 79–82. https://doi.org/10.33516/maj.v59i12.79-82



Marketing Strategy


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