Web3 and Tokenisation for Asset Creation by Common People With Fragmented Ownership Through BTaas


  • Paritosh Basu Senior Director (Services), Stragility Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai




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Feeling gaps in funding and organising the process of building capital asset for wellbeing of common people is a major concern for any developing country. On the other hand common people can be convinced to deploy a small part of their investible surplus for creating physical assets with fragmented ownership. They can also be sensitised about the power and multifaceted benefits of Web3 and blockchain technology platforms for creating digital twins by tokenisation of values of physical assets. Intangible assets, like songs and music, artworks, right to use any asset can also be tokenised for creating digital twins to ensure appropriate earnings of their creators.

People can also conduct profitable businesses around around several such assets. This paper has examined and validated with examples all these propositions. Before that the evolutionary processes from information economy of Web1 era to present Web 3 era of distributed ownership, creating digital twins of assets from different domains for shared funding and fragmented ownership have also briefly been narrated. The author has proposed Blockchain based tokenisation as a service (BTaas) for transforming capital asset creation as a revolution for and by common people. Word of cautions have been raised to strictly regulate ownership and applications of quantum computing so that the power of blockchain is not defeated.


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How to Cite

Basu, P. (2024). Web3 and Tokenisation for Asset Creation by Common People With Fragmented Ownership Through BTaas. The Management Accountant Journal, 58(9), 63–69. https://doi.org/10.33516/maj.v58i9.63-69p



Digital Transformation


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Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse

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