Identity Checks & Correctness of Bank Account Using Penny Drop Procedure


  • CMA DM Balachander Internal Auditor Chennai



Accuracy in identity of the person, his contact details, bank account are most essential data in any establishment to conduct any operations. These data must be collected and validated before on-boarding stage with requisite support evidence and must be maintained in the accounting system. In this fintech world there are many advancement in process to verify the correctness of the identity of the person and his bank account without major effort and time. Since the verification is done through the system there is no paper work and subsequent workflow can be smooth and reliable. Verification of identity of the person’s bank account in penny drop mechanism is discussed in this write-up.


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How to Cite

Balachander, C. D. (2022). Identity Checks & Correctness of Bank Account Using Penny Drop Procedure. The Management Accountant Journal, 57(11), 77–78.