An Exploratory Study of The Relationship Among Corporate Social Irresponsibilities, Reputation of The Firm and Social Media Communication


  • Shikha Goyal Ph.D. Scholar Sharda University Greater Noida
  • Dr. P. K. Aggarwal Professor Sharda University Greater Noida



A case of Indian real estate sector has been taken to examine the relation among corporate social irresponsibility and reputation of the firm. A self-constructed questionnaire, named “Employees Respondent Measurement Scale” was administered on the employees working in real estate sector to collect primary data. Various architects, engineers, project in charges, technical and non-technical staff were taken as respondents. The total sample size was 350. Post reliability and validity check, regression analysis was done to interpret the relationship. It was found that corporate social irresponsibility harms the reputation of the firm. Thus, firms in order to create a good reputation must be engaged in activities that depict responsible behavior and should avoid irresponsibility.


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How to Cite

Goyal, S., & Aggarwal, D. P. K. (2022). An Exploratory Study of The Relationship Among Corporate Social Irresponsibilities, Reputation of The Firm and Social Media Communication. The Management Accountant Journal, 57(10), 94–99.



Corporate Responsibility


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