Mystery Shopping as a Decision Making Tool – the Indian Scenario


  • Saurabh Bhatia Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur



The purpose of this paper is to bring out Mystery Shopping as an indispensable tool for Decision Making, specifically for the Indian Market. Mystery Shopping refers to anonymous evaluation of businesses against parameters laid down (usually) in Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Mystery Shopping is a widely used tool across industries globally with an intent to find areas of improvement in service delivery. The ultimate goal of Mystery Shopping activity is to use the findings and results in improvising the service standards of any organization. The Mystery Shopping industry in India is a little over a decade old in terms of age but still has a long way to go. This research paper is aimed to highlight the utility of Mystery Shopping across areas and functions within any organization.


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How to Cite

Bhatia, S. (2019). Mystery Shopping as a Decision Making Tool – the Indian Scenario. The Management Accountant Journal, 54(1), 96–103.



Strategic Management


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