Impact of Financial Inclusion in the Districts of West Bengal


  • Tarun Sengupta South Malda College, Malda
  • Salil Kumar Mukhaerjee South Malda College, Malda
  • Debasis Banerjee Dumkol College, Murshidabad



"Social Development is the promotion of a sustainable society that is worthy of human dignity by empowering marginalized groups, women and men, to undertake their own development, to improve their social and economic position and to acquire their rightful place in society….."- Bilance, 1997. Thedefinition clearly points out the impact of financial independence of the less privileged and the marginalizedcitizens of the country on the overall development of the society. It is noteworthy that social indicators likeliteracy and employment are also the major determinants of financial inclusion.


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How to Cite

Sengupta, T., Mukhaerjee, S. K., & Banerjee, D. (2015). Impact of Financial Inclusion in the Districts of West Bengal. The Management Accountant Journal, 50(10), 96–101.



Financial Inclusion


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