Cost of Quality: A Study of Selected Indian Companies


  • Surya Narayan Ray Dinhata College
  • Dhruba Ranjan Dandapat University of Calcutta, Kolkata



Just like Japanese companies outperformed their American competitors in terms of quality, Indian companies must also try to put emphasis on managing their COQ if it wants to compete with their foreign counterparts. In this way, TQM practices in India will improve if it is inextricably linked to COQ. IN the twenty-first century India, businesses are becoming increasingly more and more competitive. The companies are to formulate appropriate strategies for their survival and growth in this competitive global business environment.


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How to Cite

Ray, S. N., & Dandapat, D. R. (2015). Cost of Quality: A Study of Selected Indian Companies. The Management Accountant Journal, 50(3), 50–53.



Cost Management


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