Indian Textiles and Clothing Industry in the Post-MFA World: A Stronger Tiger with Fewer Nails


  • Mausumi Kar Department of Economics Women's Christian College Kolkata



The new world order does not bring good news for all the firms in this sector. It calls for large-scale production with greater competitiveness, less dependence on labour as a factor of production and strategic choice of export-orientation so as to survive and flourish in this changed environment. We examine the structure of the Textile and Clothing Industry in India as reflected by the change in the different kind of Concentration Indices for the Textile and Clothing manufacturing and exporting firms over the years, for the period of 1998-2012.


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How to Cite

Kar, M. (2014). Indian Textiles and Clothing Industry in the Post-MFA World: A Stronger Tiger with Fewer Nails. The Management Accountant Journal, 49(4), 91–96.



Contemporary Issue


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