An Insight into the Cost of Quality in Higher Education


  • Pranjal Chakrabarti Netaji Nagar College, Kolkata
  • Biswajit Bhadra Netaji Nagar College, Kolkata



Though there is no discernible end product of higher education, an all-out effort should be made to properly ascertain the cost of quality in higher education institutions so that the progress of education can be ensured. The term 'education' has been connoted differently by thinkers across the Eastern and Western hemispheres in accordance with their individual perception. Before venturing into their observations, one should pick up some idea about the very concept of education.


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How to Cite

Chakrabarti, P., & Bhadra, B. (2014). An Insight into the Cost of Quality in Higher Education. The Management Accountant Journal, 49(4), 52–61.



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