A Study of the Rating Service in Select Indian Municipalities


  • Mausumi Bhattacharyya Serampore College, Kolkata




There is no denying that the time has come when government bodies are to rub shoulder with their corporate counterparts for gaining market share. Therefore, emergence of professionalism in the management of cost and finance is a basic necessity for the ULBs. Municipalities or Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) play a crucial role in the delivery of social and economic services and in provisioning of infrastructure. For most of the local bodies, the only source of revenue is property tax. Thus, there appears a wide gap between the expenditure requirements and revenue potentials of ULBs leading to an inevitable deficit. Increased urbanization exerts pressure on available urban infrastructure. At the same time, increased migration has resulted in proliferation of slums further complicating the situations.


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How to Cite

Bhattacharyya, M. (2014). A Study of the Rating Service in Select Indian Municipalities. The Management Accountant Journal, 49(7), 32–39. https://doi.org/10.33516/maj.v49i7.32-39p



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