Industry 4.0 - A New Manufacturing Paradigm


  • Suraj Kumar Pradhan



Technological revolution plays very important role in the progress of human civilisation. Technological advancement fuels industrial revolution and in turn industrial revolution promotes further development in technology. First industrial revolution witnessed shifting of production from human labour to mechanical manufacturing. The second industrial revolution built on electric power to create mass production and third used electronics and information technology to automate it. We are now at the dawn of a Fourth Industrial Revolution in which breakthroughs technologies, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, IoT etc are redefining the physical and virtual boundaries through inter connected cyber-physical systems (CPS). The era of CPS leads to smart production with intelligent products, machines, networks and systems communicating interdependently and coordinating the entire manufacturing process with minimal human intervention. Current production systems, mediated by global value chains are becoming more dynamic, flexible, efficient and sustainable with high possibilities for customization and personalization. This Industry 4.0 will ultimately transcend into other segments to create smart cities, smart grids and other smart processes to enrich the human lives.


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How to Cite

Pradhan, S. K. (2019). Industry 4.0 - A New Manufacturing Paradigm. The Management Accountant Journal, 54(6), 48–52.



Cover Story


Gary Coleman, Global Industry and Senior Client Advisor, Deloitte Consulting

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