Working Capital Management Practices in Public Sector Undertakings - A Study on Oil India Limited


  • Gautam Chandra Deb Assistant Professor Department of Commerce, Nabinchandra College Badarpur, Assam
  • Nikhil Bhusan Dey Emeritus Professor & Former Dean Mahatma Gandhi School of Economics and Commerce Assam University, Silchar



Working capital analysis covers a wide area and has practical importance. Considering the importance of working capital analysis, present research work titled “Working Capital Management Practices in PSUs – A Study on Oil India Limited†has been carried out.The data required for this study have been extracted from the annual reports of Oil India Limited. In this study various ratiosare used to measure the liquidity and profitability of the company. The data has been analysed through appropriate statistical tools; interpretation of data is based on tabulation and analysis. The hypotheses are tested with the help of regression analysis. Further, for the purpose of establishing relationships between liquidity ratio and profitability ratio, correlation analysis has been applied.


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How to Cite

Deb, G. C., & Dey, N. B. (2019). Working Capital Management Practices in Public Sector Undertakings - A Study on Oil India Limited. The Management Accountant Journal, 54(4), 41–45.



Case Study


Annual Reports of Oil India Limited from 2013-14 to 2017-18.

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