Virtual Water Trade Position of India With the Developing Countries on Primary and its Derived Crops During 2013-14 to 2017-18: An Evaluation


  • Goutam Bhowmik The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
  • Saikat Dutta The Institute of Cost Accountants of India



Virtual Water Trade, Water Foot Print and Sustainable Development.


At present, water economy is getting almost equal importance with oil economy all over the world. As a result, 'water foot print' and 'virtual water trade' have emerged as burning issues for economic and political debates. In literature, the quantity of water used to produce per unit of a product is termed as water foot print. On the other hand, hidden flow of water that is transferred during the course of international trade is coined as virtual water trade. In view of the increasing importance of water as a resource and its efficient use, virtual water trade position with other countries of the world need to be evaluated and addressed at length. On this backdrop, the present study seeks to estimate and analyze the virtual water trade of crop products (Primary and Derived1) which were traded by India with the developing countries2 during the course of international trade for the period 2013-14 to 2017-18 and to quantify the volume of net virtual water trade for that period. The study also evaluates the international trade position for the aforesaid period by combining two parameters (virtual water trade and balance of trade) along with the presence of any association between these two important parameters.


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How to Cite

Bhowmik, G., & Dutta, S. (2019). Virtual Water Trade Position of India With the Developing Countries on Primary and its Derived Crops During 2013-14 to 2017-18: An Evaluation. Research Bulletin, 45(1-2), 100–117.


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