Testing Efficiency of the Variables in Black Scholes Option Pricing Model: Evidence from Indian Derivatives Market


  • Shivani Inder




Black Scholes, Probability, Option, Logistic Regression, Exercise of Option.


The Black Scholes Option Pricing Model is the building block for the theory of pricing of options. The paper evaluates the probability of exercising a call option in the market under the given set of information by employing Black Scholes Model. Thereby, the validity of the model is being tested in the Indian Options market by employing logistic regression. The analysis concluded that Black Scholes Model holds an accuracy level of approximately 79 percent in guessing whether the option would be exercised or not at the time of expiry and whether the option is worth investing or not.


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How to Cite

Inder, S. (2016). Testing Efficiency of the Variables in Black Scholes Option Pricing Model: Evidence from Indian Derivatives Market. Research Bulletin, 42(1), 223–230. https://doi.org/10.33516/rb.v42i1.223-230p





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