Nature, Economics, Sustainability and India's Green National Account


  • Pranab Nag



Green National Accounts, Laws of Thermodynamics, Nature, Sustainable Development, Sustainability.


Nature is alienated from the study of classical and neo-classical economics as both the schools were motivated by the self-interest of the individuals. It is Georgescu-Roegen who opens the boundaries of economics for collective interest and introduces the laws of thermodynamics in economics. Sustainable development recognises the need for sustainability analysis. It requires proper accounting and valuation of natural resources and environmental degradation, and the incorporation of the same in national accounts system. The present paper discusses these issues along with a description of the green national accounts scenario of India.


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How to Cite

Nag, P. (2019). Nature, Economics, Sustainability and India’s Green National Account. Research Bulletin, 44(4), 113–129.





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