Cobweb Theorem: Signals from Indian Commodity Markets, with Specific Reference to Pulses


  • Sunder Ram Korivi
  • Rachappa Shette



Commodity Market, Pulses, India.


Pulse prices began to hit the headlines from May through September 2016 on account of the inflationary tendencies. An understanding of the Cobweb Model provides a better understanding of the reasons for the friction between supply and demand. The slew of measures taken by the policy-makers in the first good monsoon, after two monsoondeficient years, have resulted in a turnaround in the pulse prices in India as seen between November 2016 and February 2017. This paves the way for a smoother interaction between the commodity spot and the commodity derivatives markets. The Cobweb Model is equally useful to producers, consumers, policy-makers and traders.


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How to Cite

Korivi, S. R., & Shette, R. (2017). Cobweb Theorem: Signals from Indian Commodity Markets, with Specific Reference to Pulses. Research Bulletin, 43(1), 87–96.





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