A Study on the Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm Valuation


  • Subir Sen




Corporate Governance, Risk Metrics, Valuation, Firm Performance, Credit Score.


Existing literature on corporate governance is of the opinion that poor governance invariably destroys value; however, evidences on the impact of good governance on value creation remains inconclusive. Does the market then reward firms that practices good corporate governance? In this paper, we analyze firms comprising Nifty-50 over a 10 year time-frame from (2005–2015) to provide insights in the Indian context. While, the basic parameters of governance were not found to have any significant impact on performance, the advanced ones had tested positive. This confirms that there is a threshold level beyond which a firm’s value increases with an increase in governance score. Further, it was also revealed that the threshold level itself rises over time as corporate climate matures.


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How to Cite

Sen, S. (2020). A Study on the Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm Valuation. Research Bulletin, 45(3-4), 20–31. https://doi.org/10.33516/rb.v45i3-4.20-31p


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