Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Study on Indian Capital Market


  • Subir Sen
  • B. M. Singh
  • Sourav Mazumder




Stock Market, Market Efficiency, Valuation, Event Studies, Insider Trading.


An important question among stock market investors worldwide is whether the market is efficient enough. Market efficiency bears far more deeper implications than most investor's imagine; about the ability of investor's to outperform the market. Efficiency of stock market implies whether it reflects all information available to the market participants at any given point of time. The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) maintains that all stocks are perfectly priced or valued according to their inherent investment attributes, the knowledge of which all market participants possess equally (Fama, 1988). The paper tested the EMH in context of Indian stock market in the post liberalization era (1991-2013) through a series of tests. During this period several measures were initiated by the GoI to liberalize the functioning of the stock market and bring in more transparency. However, the outcomes of the research suggest that despite substantial progress in this regard the Indian stock market, in terms of EMH still remains weak. Therefore, there remains a distinct possibility by investor's in Indian stock markets to generate super-normal returns.


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How to Cite

Sen, S., Singh, B. M., & Mazumder, S. (2017). Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Study on Indian Capital Market. Research Bulletin, 42(4), 69–79. https://doi.org/10.33516/rb.v42i4.69-79p





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