Board Committees <I>Vis a Vis</I> Financial Performance: An Insight into Select Indian Companies


  • Arindam Das
  • Devanjali Nandi Das



Board Committees, Financial Performance, Panel Regression.


The present study examines the relationship of characteristics of board of directors and other board committees (i.e., audit committee, shareholder’s grievance committee and remuneration committee) with firm performance using panel regression models. The sample consists of 155 CNX200 firms listed in NSE during the period 2006 to 2013. This study finds a positive association between number of board meetings and attendance in these meetings with firm’s financial performance. The size of the audit committee and number of meetings of the audit committee do not show any association with any of the measures of financial performance. In the case of other board subcommittees, the results suggest that higher frequency of shareholder grievance committee meetings leads to better financial performance in companies while it is not so for remuneration committee.


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How to Cite

Das, A., & Das, D. N. (2018). Board Committees <I>Vis a Vis</I> Financial Performance: An Insight into Select Indian Companies. Research Bulletin, 43(4), 19–33.





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