The Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth in India


  • S. Anandhan
  • A. Vadivel



Real Exchange Rate, Economic Growth, Arch/Garch and Ardl.


This paper is exploring association between the real exchange rate (RER) misalignment and economic growth in India. The study uses ARDL approach to estimates dynamics of short and long run relationship between the variable such as PC, RER, RERMIS, CF, TO, and PO. The study found the long-run relationship between real exchange rate misalignment and economic growth. The real exchange rate keep under control external tread the Reserve Bank of India accumulates huge foreign exchange reserves people life expectancy would be increase.


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How to Cite

Anandhan, S., & Vadivel, A. (2016). The Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth in India. Research Bulletin, 42(1), 231–237.





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