Corporate Governance and Sustainability Reporting: A Study of Listed Pharmaceutical Companies in India


  • Arti
  • L. N. Koli



Sustainability Reporting (SR), Pharmaceutical Companies, Corporate Governance


The main objective is to depict the magnitude of Sustainability Reporting in ten selected BSE-listed Pharmaceutical Companies in India. The data analysis period from 2018–19 to 2022–23. The information was gathered from selected companies’ annual reports. Moreover, researchers used a multiple regression model to know the influences of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The hypothesis was found statistically significant for board size, board independence, promoter shareholdings, foreign shareholding, and institutional shareholdings. The remaining variables were insignificant. It indicates that good attributes of Corporate Governance minimize market information asymmetry and provide valuable information to the stakeholders. This research is important for policymakers and management to examine these companies’ disclosure strategies and trends.


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How to Cite

Arti, & Koli, L. N. (2024). Corporate Governance and Sustainability Reporting: A Study of Listed Pharmaceutical Companies in India. Research Bulletin, 49(4), 25–36.





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