Digital Disruption And Societal Empowerment: Fostering Community Advancement


  • Sudesh Kumar Sahu
  • Oscar Kujur



Digital Disruption, Societal Empowerment, E-governance, Digital Financial Inclusion, Digital Literacy, Microfinance, Remote Learning.


This article explores the dynamic relationship between digital disruption and societal empowerment, illuminating the transformative potential and challenges within the context of community advancement. It delves into key areas, including digital inclusion and accessibility, e-governance, education outreach, digital financial inclusion, and community empowerment through social media. By examining these facets, the article elucidates the profound impact of digital technologies on society while underscoring the pressing need to address issues such as the digital divide, privacy concerns, and ethical considerations. Ultimately, the article advocates for a holistic approach that prioritizes digital literacy, inclusivity, and ethical standards to ensure that technology genuinely empowers all communities, leaving no one behind.


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How to Cite

Sahu, S. K., & Kujur, O. (2024). Digital Disruption And Societal Empowerment: Fostering Community Advancement. Research Bulletin, 49(2 & 3), 1–11. - 3.1-11p


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