Financial Literacy among Working Women – A Study in West Bengal


  • Kanika Kundu
  • J. K. Das



Behavioral Finance, Financial Literacy, Saving Literacy and Working Women


Behavioral Finance is the topic of discussion in today’s world of uncertainty and irrational decision making among investors. The objective of the paper is to examine whether financial and savings-borrowing literacy affects the investment decision among working class of women of West Bengal. For the purpose of study, the data has been collected from 635 respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire using convenience sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed through SPSS package by using different statistical tools. This research points out that financial and saving literacy plays a very important role in the investment decision making. Significant difference was observed between financial literacy among various age, marital status and income groups. The knowledge regarding sacrificing present to future consumption, idea regarding EMI, FDI, ROI, the objective of savings whether it is for the education of children, their marriage, purchasing home or other assets plays an important role in making decisions regarding investment and savings among working women in particular.


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How to Cite

Kundu, K., & Das, J. K. (2022). Financial Literacy among Working Women – A Study in West Bengal. Research Bulletin, 48(1-2), 95–112.


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