Understanding Causes and Remedies of Low Profitability of Cloud Technology Managed Service Delivery Projects in Industry 4.0 Era


  • Bhavna Agarwal The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
  • Himanshu Agarwal The Institute of Cost Accountants of India
  • Parvez Talib The Institute of Cost Accountants of India




Industry 4.0, Cloud Technology, Profitability, Financial, Projects, Managed Service Provider.


To measure is to know. Adequate quantitative measurements are available to know the status of profitability of the projects. Based on these quantitative measurements, in case it is found that a project has recorded less than expected profitability, then it becomes necessary to deep dive and carry out a thorough root cause analysis with the help of in-depth qualitative study. Accordingly the present study is focused on studying and providing understanding of various qualitative aspects associated with profitability of Cloud Technology managed service delivery projects operating in Industry 4.0 scenerio. This study focus at addressing the scope of improvement in an optimum manner and preventing recurrence of the problem with the aim of achieving & maintaining targeted profitability at the project management level. Successful achievement of these objectives depends on the extent of strategic implementation of findings of this study by the concerned project leadership teams.


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How to Cite

Agarwal, B., Agarwal, H., & Talib, P. (2019). Understanding Causes and Remedies of Low Profitability of Cloud Technology Managed Service Delivery Projects in Industry 4.0 Era. Research Bulletin, 45(1-2), 84–99. https://doi.org/10.33516/rb.v45i1-2.84-99p


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