Optimal Inventory Policies for a Stochastic Inventory Model with Capital Investment


  • Jhuma Bhowmick




Stochastic Demand, Random Yield, Random Lead Time, Logarithmic Investment Cost Function.


In this paper, a continuous review stochastic inventory model is developed with random yield. The lead time demand and lead time both are considered as random variables and are assumed to follow normal distributions. Shortages occurring in the model are partially backlogged and the backorder rate is a nonlinear function of expected shortage amount. Backorder price discount is considered as a decision variable in this model. The advantages of capital investment are analyzed in the model for reducing the set-up cost and yield randomness. The optimal ordering policies are determined which minimize the expected total annual cost of the proposed model. The model is further illustrated with the help of numerical examples and graphs.


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How to Cite

Bhowmick, J. (2018). Optimal Inventory Policies for a Stochastic Inventory Model with Capital Investment. Research Bulletin, 44(1), 93–104. https://doi.org/10.33516/rb.v44i1.93-104p





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