Market Responsiveness towards Voluntary Environmental Disclosure: A Longitudinal Study in Indian Context


  • Abhijit Roy
  • Santanu Kumar Ghosh



Market Responsiveness, Environmental Disclosure Index, Tobin’s Q, Corporate Environmental Responsibility.


The present study tries to understand the relationship between environmental disclosure and market value of firm both in polluting and non-polluting industry perspectives in the context of India. The study reveals that environmental disclosure has no impact on long term market value creation in polluting sector and negative association in non-polluting sector in Indian context. In short run, environmental disclosure has positive association with market value of firm. Overall analysis of the study reveals that environmental disclosures have short term market reactions but investors do not consider corporate environmental responsibility as value-relevant in the long run.


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How to Cite

Roy, A., & Ghosh, S. K. (2017). Market Responsiveness towards Voluntary Environmental Disclosure: A Longitudinal Study in Indian Context. Research Bulletin, 43(3), 14–32.





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