Nexus between Microfinance and Social Empowerment in Bilaspur: A Study


  • Kabir



Microfinance, Social Empowerment, Beneficiaries.


The purpose of this article is to study the impact of Microfinance on social empowerment of the beneficiaries of Microfinance Institutions in Bilaspur city of Chhaisgarh. This paper is based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected from 205 respondents who are beneficiaries of Microfinance Institutions. The major outcome of the correlation and multiple regressions is that self confidence, children's education decision, health and hygiene condition, family planning decision, and sanitation condition have significantly improved aer taking microfinance. However the condition of Potable water sources has not improved. This paper is based on interpretation and analysis of original data collected from the respondents. The study shows the impact of Microfinance on improving the social status of the beneficiaries of the Microfinance Institutions. Aer this study the policy makers may reframe their strategies and policies of Microfinance services in a manner to get more and more beneficiaries benefied and have improvement in the social status aer taking Microfinance. Due to paucity of time and money the sample size is of 205 respondents which are quite small to represent the whole target population. Also there is a scope for future researcher to conduct similar study on large sample size and with other factors involvement too to get the more detailed insight of the same.


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How to Cite

Kabir, . (2017). Nexus between Microfinance and Social Empowerment in Bilaspur: A Study. Research Bulletin, 42(4), 97–105.





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