Corporate Governance and Environmental Disclosures:Evidence from Polluted Companies in India


  • G. Ezhilarasi
  • K. C. Kabra



Environmental Disclosures, Corporate Governance Aributes, Content Analysis, Global Reporting Initiative and Business Responsibility Reports.


The present paper empirically investigates the impact of corporate governance aributes on environmental disclosure in India. Environmental disclosures scores are measured by list of items based on Global Reporting Initiative guidelines as well as environmental regulations prevailing in India. The study examines annual reports of 130 polluting companies in India for a period of 6 years i.e. from 2009-10 to 2014-15 and found that there is an increase in disclosure but it is limited. Further, the panel data regression result indicates that less independent directors in the audit commiee, presence of woman director in the board, CEO duality and larger size firm have an impact on the company's decision to disclose environmental information. For beer environmental disclosure, SEBI should mandate all the companies to disclose detailed monetary and non-monetary information on environmental issues in their periodic report and also more emphasis should be given to strengthen corporate governance towards environmental issues.


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How to Cite

Ezhilarasi, G., & Kabra, K. C. (2016). Corporate Governance and Environmental Disclosures:Evidence from Polluted Companies in India. Research Bulletin, 42(3), 38–49.





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