Argentine Cluster Policy:The Case of Local Systems of Production Promoted by SEPYME


  • Nacierlo Alejandro
  • Trucco Pablo
  • Ciminari Matias
  • Davini Matias
  • Garcia Maria Consuelo
  • Martinez Paula
  • Padin Juan
  • Rabey Eva



Cluster Policy, Local Systems of Production (LSP), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).


In this article, a public programme to foster associative production among MSMEs in Argentina was presented. This policy has been built on top of the theoretical background on clusters in combination with the theory of the National Innovation System. This approach leads to a theoretical blend that implies a particular understanding of how is the production within the firm and their interaction with other enterprises in a given environment. In the first section of this article theoretical insights on the cluster paradigm was presented. Afterwards, insights were applied to the case of the Programme Local Systems of Production (LSP) in Argentina, which has proved to be an effective policy instrument for economic development, some case studies inserted to provide a clear picture on how the Programme is implemented. Subsequently, a selection of aggregate results of the Programme with final remarks was presented.


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How to Cite

Alejandro, N., Pablo, T., Matias, C., Matias, D., Consuelo, G. M., Paula, M., … Eva, R. (2016). Argentine Cluster Policy:The Case of Local Systems of Production Promoted by SEPYME. Research Bulletin, 41(4), 21–39.





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