Management of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)


  • Subhas Nathuramka



Non-Performing Asset (NPA), Public Sector Banks, NPA Management, Profitability, Economic Downturn.


Non-Performing Asset (NPA) is a financial asset of banks/ FIs which stops to earn or perform. It refers to loans granted that are in jeopardy of default. Management of NPAs has caught the attention because of NPAs reaching at alarming levels particularly in the case of public sector banks. The general downturn in economy is held responsible for rising NPAs. RBI has additionally identified delays in statutory approvals for projects, aggressive lending practices during upturn, laxity in credit risk appraisal and loan monitoring, acceptance of projects' inflated cost and wilful default, loan frauds and corruption as the reasons for high level of NPAs, however, there are structural issues in Indian economy like insufficient promoters' contribution/ equity, intervention by Government in pricing of certain commodities/products, insufficient long term funds with banks resulting into asset liability mismatch, dearth of specialists for credit risk appraisal and loan monitoring and target oriented approach leading to financing to weak projects which need to be addressed to get long term solution to the problem of NPAs.


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How to Cite

Nathuramka, S. (2016). Management of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs). Research Bulletin, 42(2), 112–120.





Official website of Reserve Bank of India

Asset Resolution & Managing NPAs-What, Why and How? Shri S.S. Mundra Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India 1st CII Banking Summit February 2016

Credit Management, NPA Management and Risk Management in Banks publication by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi

Asset Quality Challenges in India: Diagnosis and Prognosis. Keynote address delivered by Shri S.S. Mundra, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the Edelweiss Credit Conclave held in Mumbai on April 28, 2016

Asset Reconstruction and NPA Management in India. Keynote address given by Shri R Gandhi Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the Economic Times Summit held in September 2015 at Mumbai

Research paper titled “Forecasting Methodology for NPAs of Indian Banks and Ways to tackle the Menace†by Prof Gaurav Vallabh, Shri Digvijay Singh and Shri Himanshu Singh Raghuvanshi published in June 2016 issue of Chartered Secretary official journal of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi

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