Green Profit-A Case of WIPRO Initiatives


  • Manish B. Raval
  • Ashish B. Gorvadiya



Environmental Problems, Environmental Degradation, Voluntary Responsibility, Huge Cost, Positive Image.


Increasing pollution has resulted into various problems for the people living in this world. The problems like GHG, Ozone layer depletion, Global warming etc. have resulted into the problems for the mankind. In most of the cases, this pollution is the result of operations of business organizations. The business organizations use, rather exploit, the natural resources and create dangerous environmental problems. It can be concluded that the business organizations are responsible for the environmental degradation. Over the last few years, the business organizations have created such a large damage to the environment which is not easily recoverable. All the governments, businesses, academia and NGOs all over the world are seriously thinking over this problem and trying to find out some agreeable solutions. But it seems very difficult to recover the environmental damage easily. In this situation, there are some organizations like Wipro that are undertaking some voluntary steps to recover the environmental damage. Though the government has not made it compulsory for the business organizations to take such steps, Wipro believes it as its voluntary responsibility and fulfills it with due care. Some experts are of the view that such efforts involve a huge cost and as a result the profit of the company goes down. But this is not true. The organizations that take such efforts create positive image in the people's mind and as a result its financial performance improves. A case study of Wipro presented here reveals this fact with proof.


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How to Cite

Raval, M. B., & Gorvadiya, A. B. (2014). Green Profit-A Case of WIPRO Initiatives. Research Bulletin, 39, 70–78.


