Study of Balanced Scorecard as Performance Management System for Profit Maximization in Automobile, IT and Engineering Industry


  • Ashok Joshi
  • Ashish P. Thatte



Balanced Score Card, Performance Management, Profit Maximisation, Non Parametric Analysis (NPA).


As a researcher the need was felt to evaluate effectiveness of Balanced Scorecard in Indian Industry. The effectiveness we defined as profit maximization and counted by 8 Important Financial Indicators (IFIs). IFIs selected for the data analysis are also on random basis and not on selective basis. Therefore, we may conclude that Tata Motors (59.62%) and LMW (54.46%) are doing better than their competitors but not Infosys (34.50%) failed to show superiority over its competitors. We may conclude that both Tata Motors and LMW have managed to take advantage of market situation to do better with the help of Balanced Scorecard. The effectiveness of Balanced Scorecard was found to be less in IT and Software industry as compared with industries like Engineering and Automobiles.


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How to Cite

Joshi, A., & Thatte, A. P. (2014). Study of Balanced Scorecard as Performance Management System for Profit Maximization in Automobile, IT and Engineering Industry. Research Bulletin, 40, 211–229.





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