Performance of Manufacturing Industries In West Bengal During 1981-1998:An Empirical Study


  • Baisakhi Bardhan



Factory Productivity, Capital Productivity, Material Productivity, Labour Productivity, Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance.


In this paper, empirical analyses have been made to assess the performance of manufacturing industries in West Bengal based on 2-digit level ASI data (1987 classification) over a period from 1981 to 1998. Out of twenty seven manufacturing industries, twelve are found to be major industries. Out of twelve, five industry groups are 'good performing' and others are 'bad performing'. Compared to the industries in other major states in India, performance of industries in West Bengal is bad. Improvement in policy frame work of state government is thus required to turnaround industrial performance.


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How to Cite

Bardhan, B. (2014). Performance of Manufacturing Industries In West Bengal During 1981-1998:An Empirical Study. Research Bulletin, 40, 187–194.





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